Winding Resistance Test of Transformer | Essential Guide

Did you know that a single transformer failure can cost a utility company up to $1 million in repairs and lost revenue? The winding resistance test is a crucial diagnostic tool that helps prevent such catastrophic failures by identifying potential issues in transformer windings. This comprehensive guide explores the essential aspects of this important test, providing electrical engineers, technicians, and transformer maintenance professionals with the knowledge and resources they need to ensure the reliable operation of their electrical systems.
Winding Resistance Test of Transformer

The winding resistance test is used to measure the DC resistance of transformer windings, allowing for the detection of faults such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults. By understanding the principles, procedures, and interpretation of this test, professionals can proactively address potential problems and optimize the performance and lifespan of their transformers.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of the winding resistance test, the factors that affect winding resistance, the step-by-step measurement process, the interpretation of test results, and the practical applications of this diagnostic tool. Whether you're responsible for maintaining a single transformer or managing an entire fleet, this guide will equip you with the essential knowledge to effectively utilize the winding resistance test in your operations.

Key Takeaways

  • The winding resistance test is a crucial diagnostic tool for identifying faults in transformer windings, such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults.
  • Measuring the DC resistance of transformer windings can help prevent costly transformer failures and optimize the performance and lifespan of electrical systems.
  • Understanding the principles of transformer windings and the factors that affect winding resistance is crucial for interpreting the test results accurately.
  • Proper test procedures, safety precautions, and data interpretation are essential for obtaining reliable and meaningful winding resistance measurements.
  • The winding resistance test has a wide range of applications, from preventive maintenance to troubleshooting and fault diagnosis, making it a valuable tool for electrical professionals.

Introduction to Winding Resistance Test of Transformer

The winding resistance test of a transformer is a fundamental diagnostic tool used to assess the condition of the transformer's windings. By measuring the DC resistance of the windings, this test helps identify potential issues such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults, which can significantly impact the transformer's performance and lifespan.

Importance of Transformer Winding Resistance Testing

Understanding the importance of the transformer winding resistance test is crucial for effective transformer maintenance and troubleshooting. This test provides valuable insights into the integrity of the transformer's windings, allowing for the early detection of potential problems that could lead to equipment failure or reduced efficiency. By regularly conducting the winding resistance test, electrical professionals can ensure the optimal performance and longevity of their transformers.

Overview of Transformer Winding Resistance Measurement

The process of measuring the winding resistance of a transformer involves applying a known direct current (DC) through the winding and measuring the resulting voltage drop. By dividing the voltage drop by the current, the DC resistance of the winding can be calculated. This measurement is essential for assessing the condition of the transformer and identifying any deviations from the expected or reference resistance values, which may indicate the presence of winding issues.

Principles of Transformer Winding Resistance

To fully comprehend the winding resistance test of transformers, it is essential to understand the underlying principles of transformer windings and the various factors that can affect their resistance. This section delves into the construction and configuration of transformer windings, as well as the parameters that can influence the measured winding resistance.

Understanding Transformer Windings

Transformer windings are the heart of the transformer's electrical system, responsible for the transformation of voltage and current. The windings are typically made of copper or aluminum conductors, carefully wound around a magnetic core. The configuration and arrangement of these windings play a crucial role in determining the transformer's performance, efficiency, and the measurement of its winding resistance.

Factors Affecting Winding Resistance

The winding resistance of a transformer can be influenced by several factors, including the winding material, the temperature of the windings, and the overall transformer design. Understanding these factors is essential for interpreting the results of the winding resistance test and identifying potential issues within the transformer's electrical system.

  1. Winding Material: The choice of winding material, such as copper or aluminum, can directly impact the measured winding resistance. Copper, being a better conductor, typically has a lower resistance compared to aluminum windings.
  2. Temperature: The temperature of the transformer windings can significantly affect the measured winding resistance. As the temperature increases, the resistance of the windings also rises, and vice versa. Proper temperature correction is crucial for accurate resistance measurements.
  3. Transformer Design: The overall design of the transformer, including factors such as the number of turns, the cross-sectional area of the windings, and the transformer's physical configuration, can all impact the winding resistance.

By understanding the principles of transformer winding resistance, the construction of transformer windings, and the various factors that can affect winding resistance, professionals can effectively interpret the results of the winding resistance test and use this information to maintain, troubleshoot, and optimize the performance of transformers.

Winding Resistance Test of Transformer

The winding resistance test of a transformer serves several critical objectives, providing valuable insights into the condition and performance of the transformer's windings. By measuring the direct current (DC) resistance of the transformer windings, this test helps identify potential issues such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults, which can significantly impact the transformer's efficiency and longevity.

Objectives of Winding Resistance Testing

The key objectives of the winding resistance test for transformers include:

  • Evaluating the overall condition of the transformer windings and identifying any potential issues or anomalies.
  • Gathering data for preventive maintenance and troubleshooting purposes, enabling proactive measures to extend the transformer's lifespan.
  • Verifying the integrity of the transformer's winding connections and ensuring proper electrical continuity.
  • Establishing a baseline reference for comparison during future tests, tracking changes in winding resistance over time.
  • Assisting in the diagnosis of transformer faults, such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults, by analyzing the measured resistance values.

Test Equipment and Setup

To perform the winding resistance test of a transformer, specialized test equipment and a carefully designed setup are required. The key components involved in this process include:

Equipment Description
Winding Resistance Meter A dedicated instrument that measures the DC resistance of transformer windings, typically featuring a high-accuracy ohmmeter function.
Test Leads Specialized cables with appropriate connectors to establish a reliable connection between the winding resistance meter and the transformer terminals.
Transformer Tap Changer If the transformer is equipped with a tap changer, it must be positioned at a specific tap setting during the test to ensure accurate readings.
Cooling System The transformer's cooling system, such as fans or pumps, should be turned off during the test to maintain a stable temperature.
Temperature Measurement Device A thermometer or other temperature sensor is used to monitor the ambient and winding temperatures, as these factors can affect the resistance readings.

By carefully setting up the appropriate test equipment and following the correct procedures, transformer professionals can obtain accurate and reliable winding resistance test results, enabling them to make informed decisions about the transformer's condition and maintenance requirements.

Transformer Winding Resistance Measurement Procedures

Conducting an accurate transformer winding resistance test requires a specific set of procedures to ensure reliable results. This section provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to the measurement process, as well as highlighting the crucial safety precautions that must be observed during the testing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Measuring Winding Resistance

The step-by-step guide to measuring transformer winding resistance is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the transformer from the power source and ensure it is completely de-energized.
  2. Identify the transformer terminals and windings to be tested, based on the specific objectives of the test.
  3. Connect the winding resistance test equipment, such as a Wheatstone bridge or a digital multimeter, to the appropriate terminals of the transformer.
  4. Ensure all connections are secure and the test equipment is properly configured for the measurement.
  5. Take the winding resistance readings, recording the values for each winding or phase being tested.
  6. Compare the measured resistance values with the expected or reference values provided in the transformer's specifications or maintenance records.
  7. Analyze the test results and identify any discrepancies or potential issues with the transformer windings.

Safety Precautions During Testing

When conducting the transformer winding resistance testing, it is crucial to observe the following safety precautions:

  • Ensure the transformer is completely de-energized and disconnected from the power source before starting the test.
  • Discharge any residual energy stored in the transformer windings or capacitors before making any connections.
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as insulated gloves, safety glasses, and non-conductive footwear.
  • Establish a safe work area around the transformer, keeping unauthorized personnel at a safe distance.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions and industry-standard safety protocols for the specific test equipment being used.
  • Ensure the test equipment is properly grounded and in good working condition before starting the measurement.
  • Carefully monitor the test process and be prepared to immediately disconnect the power if any abnormal conditions are observed.

By adhering to these safety precautions during transformer winding resistance testing, you can help ensure the safety of personnel, protect the transformer, and obtain accurate and reliable test results.

Interpretation of Winding Resistance Test Results

Accurately interpreting the results of the transformer winding resistance test is crucial for evaluating the condition of the transformer's windings and identifying any potential issues. This section will guide you through the process of evaluating measured transformer winding resistance values and identifying potential transformer winding issues based on the test findings.

Evaluating Measured Resistance Values

When analyzing the winding resistance test results, the first step is to compare the measured resistance values to the expected or reference values for the specific transformer. This comparison will reveal any significant deviations from the expected range, which could indicate potential problems within the windings.

Factors to consider when evaluating the measured resistance values include:

  • Comparison to manufacturer's specifications or previous test results
  • Consistency across different windings or phases of the transformer
  • Compliance with industry standards or guidelines for acceptable winding resistance tolerances

Identifying Potential Winding Issues

Based on the analysis of the measured resistance values, the winding resistance test can help identify various potential issues within the transformer's windings, such as:

  1. Shorted turns: A decrease in the measured resistance compared to the expected value may indicate the presence of shorted turns in the winding.
  2. Open circuits: An increase in the measured resistance or an infinite reading can signify an open circuit within the winding.
  3. Ground faults: A low resistance reading between the winding and the transformer's ground may point to a ground fault in the winding.

By carefully evaluating the measured resistance values and identifying any anomalies, you can effectively diagnose the condition of the transformer's windings and take appropriate corrective actions to address any identified issues.

Transformer Winding Resistance Tolerance

When conducting a transformer winding resistance test, it's important to consider the tolerance range for the measured values. Transformer winding resistance tolerance refers to the acceptable variation in the resistance readings compared to the expected or reference values. Understanding this tolerance is crucial for properly interpreting the test results and identifying potential issues with the transformer's windings.

The transformer winding resistance tolerance is typically expressed as a percentage, indicating the maximum allowable deviation from the expected resistance value. This tolerance range accounts for factors such as manufacturing variations, temperature fluctuations, and measurement uncertainties, which can affect the measured resistance values.

Winding Type Tolerance Range
Low-voltage winding ±1% to ±2%
High-voltage winding ±1% to ±3%
Tertiary winding ±1% to ±5%

When evaluating the results of a transformer winding resistance test, it's important to compare the measured values against the expected resistance values, taking into account the applicable tolerance range. If the measured resistance falls within the specified tolerance, it typically indicates that the winding is in good condition and functioning as expected.

However, if the measured resistance value falls outside the tolerance range, it may indicate the presence of potential issues, such as shorted turns, open circuits, or other winding defects. In such cases, further investigation and analysis are required to diagnose the underlying problem and determine the appropriate corrective actions.

"Understanding the transformer winding resistance tolerance is crucial for accurately interpreting the test results and identifying potential issues with the transformer's windings."

By considering the transformer winding resistance tolerance and following best practices for winding resistance testing, electrical professionals can effectively evaluate the condition of transformers, optimize maintenance strategies, and ensure reliable power distribution systems.

Applications of Winding Resistance Testing

The winding resistance test of transformers serves as a versatile diagnostic tool with a wide range of applications, from preventive maintenance to troubleshooting and fault diagnosis. By understanding the significance of this test, electrical professionals can leverage it to optimize transformer performance, extend its lifespan, and ensure the reliability of electrical systems.

Preventive Maintenance

The winding resistance test plays a crucial role in preventive maintenance for transformers. By regularly measuring the resistance of the windings, technicians can monitor the transformer's condition and detect any potential issues before they escalate into more severe problems. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, such as addressing winding issues or adjusting maintenance schedules, to maintain the transformer's optimal performance and prevent unexpected failures.

The applications of transformer winding resistance testing in preventive maintenance include:

  • Identifying changes in winding resistance, which can indicate issues like shorted turns or winding degradation
  • Establishing baseline resistance values for comparison during routine maintenance
  • Monitoring trends in winding resistance over time to predict and prevent future problems
  • Informing maintenance decisions, such as adjusting inspection intervals or scheduling winding repairs

Troubleshooting and Fault Diagnosis

Beyond preventive maintenance, the winding resistance test is also a valuable tool for troubleshooting and fault diagnosis in transformers. When a transformer experiences performance issues or unexpected failures, the winding resistance test can provide crucial insights into the underlying causes, enabling electrical professionals to identify and address the root problems effectively.

The applications of transformer winding resistance testing in troubleshooting and fault diagnosis include:

  1. Detecting winding-related issues, such as shorted turns, open circuits, or ground faults
  2. Isolating the location and extent of winding problems within the transformer
  3. Evaluating the impact of winding issues on the transformer's overall performance and efficiency
  4. Guiding the development of targeted repair or replacement strategies to restore the transformer to optimal condition

By leveraging the winding resistance test for both preventive maintenance and troubleshooting, electrical professionals can enhance the reliability and longevity of transformers, ultimately contributing to the overall efficiency and resilience of electrical systems.

Transformer Winding Resistance Test Formula

Conducting the winding resistance test of a transformer involves the application of specific formulas and calculations to determine the resistance values. Understanding the mathematical principles behind this process is crucial for interpreting the test results accurately and drawing meaningful insights about the transformer's condition.

Calculating Winding Resistance

The formula used to calculate the transformer winding resistance is a straightforward one, taking into account the voltage drop across the winding and the current flowing through it. The transformer winding resistance test formula is expressed as:

R = V / I


  • R = Winding resistance (in ohms)
  • V = Voltage drop across the winding (in volts)
  • I = Current flowing through the winding (in amperes)

By applying this formula, the technician can determine the DC resistance of the transformer's windings, which is a crucial parameter in assessing the overall health and condition of the transformer.

Temperature Correction Factors

It's important to note that the measured transformer winding resistance can be affected by ambient temperature, as the resistance of the winding material (typically copper or aluminum) is directly dependent on temperature. To ensure accurate and meaningful results, it is necessary to apply temperature correction factors to the measured resistance values.

The temperature correction factors for transformer winding resistance are calculated based on the relationship between the resistance and temperature, as defined by the formula:

Rt = R20 [1 + α(t - 20)]


  • Rt = Resistance at temperature t (in ohms)
  • R20 = Resistance at 20°C (in ohms)
  • α = Temperature coefficient of resistance (for copper, α = 0.00393 per °C; for aluminum, α = 0.00403 per °C)
  • t = Temperature at which the resistance is measured (in °C)

By applying these temperature correction factors, the technician can adjust the measured transformer winding resistance values to a common reference temperature, typically 20°C, allowing for accurate comparisons and the identification of any potential issues or abnormalities in the transformer's windings.

Transformer Winding Resistance Measurement Best Practices

To ensure the reliability and accuracy of the best practices for transformer winding resistance measurement, it is essential to follow a set of established guidelines and recommendations. This section outlines the key considerations for transformer winding resistance measurement to help professionals achieve consistent and reliable results.

One of the primary best practices is to properly prepare the transformer and the test setup. This includes ensuring the transformer is de-energized, the windings are disconnected from the rest of the electrical system, and the test leads are securely connected to the winding terminals. Attention to detail in the setup phase is crucial to obtaining accurate transformer winding resistance readings.

Another best practice is to carefully monitor and record the ambient temperature during the transformer winding resistance measurement process. Since the resistance of the windings can be affected by temperature, it is important to apply the appropriate temperature correction factors to the measured values to obtain the true winding resistance at the reference temperature.

Additionally, best practices for transformer winding resistance measurement involve taking multiple readings and averaging the results to minimize the impact of any anomalies or fluctuations. This approach helps to ensure the reliability and consistency of the transformer winding resistance data, which is essential for accurate analysis and decision-making.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain detailed documentation and record-keeping throughout the transformer winding resistance measurement process. This includes documenting the test setup, measurement procedures, environmental conditions, and any observations or deviations from expected readings. This comprehensive record-keeping can provide valuable insights for future reference and support informed decisions regarding transformer maintenance and repairs.

By adhering to these best practices for transformer winding resistance measurement, professionals can ensure the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of their transformer winding resistance data, ultimately leading to more effective transformer monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting strategies.

Transformer Resistance Testing Services

For transformer owners and operators who require specialized expertise and advanced testing capabilities beyond in-house capabilities, transformer resistance testing services offer a comprehensive solution. These services provide access to a wide range of transformer resistance testing options, ensuring accurate assessments and reliable data to support maintenance decisions.

On-Site Testing Services

Many transformer resistance testing service providers offer on-site testing capabilities, allowing them to perform the necessary measurements and evaluations directly at the transformer's location. This on-site approach eliminates the need to transport the transformer, saving time and minimizing disruption to ongoing operations. Skilled technicians from these service providers employ advanced equipment and follow rigorous testing protocols to conduct comprehensive transformer resistance testing, including winding resistance measurements, on-site.

Laboratory Testing Facilities

In addition to on-site services, transformer resistance testing services often maintain well-equipped laboratory facilities dedicated to conducting comprehensive transformer diagnostics. These state-of-the-art laboratories are equipped with the latest testing instruments and employ a team of experienced professionals who specialize in transformer resistance testing and analysis. By utilizing these laboratory testing facilities, transformer owners can benefit from a wide range of specialized tests, including precision winding resistance measurements, along with in-depth data analysis and comprehensive reporting to support their maintenance and operational decision-making.

Whether opting for on-site transformer resistance testing services or leveraging the capabilities of specialized laboratory facilities, transformer owners and operators can access the expertise and resources necessary to ensure the reliable performance and longevity of their transformers. These testing services provide a valuable complement to in-house maintenance programs, offering a comprehensive approach to transformer resistance testing and diagnostics.

Case Studies and Real-World Examples

To provide a more practical understanding of the winding resistance test, this section presents a selection of case studies and real-world examples that illustrate the application of this test in various transformer maintenance and troubleshooting scenarios. These case studies and real-world examples of transformer winding resistance testing will help readers comprehend the value of the winding resistance test and how it can be effectively utilized to address transformer-related issues.

In one case study, a power utility company conducted a winding resistance test on a 230 kV transformer that was exhibiting unexpected performance issues. The test results revealed a significant imbalance in the winding resistance between the phases, indicating a potential winding fault. Further investigation using other diagnostic tests confirmed the presence of a shorted turn in one of the transformer windings. The utility was able to address the issue promptly, avoiding a potential catastrophic failure and ensuring the continued reliable operation of the transformer.

Case Study Transformer Details Findings from Winding Resistance Test Outcome and Lessons Learned
Diagnosing Winding Fault in a 230 kV Transformer 230 kV power transformer Significant imbalance in winding resistance between phases, indicating a potential winding fault Further investigation confirmed a shorted turn in one of the transformer windings, allowing the utility to address the issue promptly and maintain reliable operation.
Monitoring Transformer Winding Condition over Time 115 kV distribution transformer Gradual increase in winding resistance over several years, suggesting potential winding degradation The utility was able to schedule timely maintenance and avoid an unexpected transformer failure, leveraging the insights from the winding resistance test to proactively manage the transformer's lifecycle.
Identifying Winding Asymmetry in a Substation Transformer 75 MVA substation transformer Uneven winding resistance measurements across the phases, indicating a potential manufacturing defect or winding asymmetry The transformer manufacturer was able to investigate the issue and implement corrective measures, ensuring the transformer's optimal performance and reliability.

In another case, a utility company used the winding resistance test to monitor the condition of a 115 kV distribution transformer over several years. The test results showed a gradual increase in the winding resistance, suggesting potential degradation of the transformer windings. Armed with this information, the utility was able to schedule timely maintenance and avoid an unexpected transformer failure, leveraging the insights from the winding resistance test to proactively manage the transformer's lifecycle.

Additionally, a case study from a substation transformer manufacturer highlights the importance of the winding resistance test in identifying potential manufacturing issues. During routine testing, the winding resistance measurements across the phases of a 75 MVA transformer were found to be uneven, indicating a potential winding asymmetry. The manufacturer was able to investigate the issue and implement corrective measures, ensuring the transformer's optimal performance and reliability.

These case studies and real-world examples of transformer winding resistance testing demonstrate the versatility and value of this diagnostic tool in addressing a wide range of transformer-related challenges. By understanding the practical applications and insights gained from the winding resistance test, readers can better appreciate its role in maintaining the health and longevity of transformers in various electrical power systems.

Transformer Winding Resistance Test Diagrams and Illustrations

To further enhance the understanding of the transformer winding resistance test process, this section includes a collection of diagrams, illustrations, and visual aids that showcase the test setup, measurement procedures, and interpretation of results. These visual resources will help readers visualize the concepts and steps involved in the transformer winding resistance test, making the information more accessible and easier to comprehend.

Diagram Title Description
Transformer Winding Resistance Test Setup This diagram illustrates the typical setup for conducting a transformer winding resistance test, including the connections between the test equipment and the transformer terminals.
Measurement Procedure for Transformer Winding Resistance The illustration outlines the step-by-step process for measuring the transformer winding resistance, highlighting the key steps and considerations.
Interpretation of Transformer Winding Resistance Test Results This diagram provides a visual guide for interpreting the transformer winding resistance test results, highlighting the indicators of potential winding issues and the corresponding actions to be taken.

These diagrams and illustrations serve as valuable resources for electrical engineers, technicians, and transformer maintenance professionals, helping them better understand the transformer winding resistance test and its practical applications.

Resources and Further Reading

For readers seeking additional information or resources on the transformer winding resistance testing, the following sources can serve as a valuable starting point for further exploration and deeper understanding of this important diagnostic tool:

Resource Type Recommendations
  • "Transformer Maintenance Guide" by Richard C. Ahlert
  • "Electrical Power Equipment Maintenance and Testing" edited by Paul Gill
  • "Transformer Engineering: Design, Technology, and Diagnostics" by S.V. Kulkarni and S.A. Khaparde
Industry Standards
  • IEEE C57.12.00 - "IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers"
  • IEEE C57.12.90 - "IEEE Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers"
  • ASTM D3487 - "Standard Specification for Mineral Insulating Oil Used in Electrical Apparatus"
Online Resources

These resources on transformer winding resistance testing provide comprehensive information on the principles, procedures, and applications of this essential diagnostic tool, as well as industry-accepted standards and best practices. By exploring these materials, readers can further enhance their understanding and gain valuable insights into the effective use of the winding resistance test for transformer maintenance and troubleshooting.


In conclusion, the winding resistance test of transformers is a critical diagnostic tool that plays a vital role in identifying potential issues and maintaining the overall health and performance of transformers. By understanding the principles, procedures, and applications of this test, electrical professionals can leverage this information to implement effective transformer maintenance strategies, troubleshoot problems, and ensure the reliable operation of their electrical systems.

This comprehensive guide has provided a thorough overview of the winding resistance test, equipping readers with the knowledge and resources to confidently perform and interpret this important test. The conclusion on transformer winding resistance test underscores the significance of this diagnostic tool in the field of electrical engineering and transformer maintenance.

By mastering the concepts and best practices outlined in this article, readers can harness the power of the winding resistance test to proactively identify and address winding-related issues, ultimately enhancing the lifespan and reliability of their transformers. The conclusion on transformer winding resistance test serves as a valuable takeaway, emphasizing the essential role this test plays in ensuring the continued excellence of electrical infrastructure and power distribution systems.


What is the purpose of the winding resistance test of a transformer?

The winding resistance test of a transformer is a crucial diagnostic tool used to identify faults such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults in the transformer windings by measuring the DC resistance of the windings.

What factors can affect the winding resistance of a transformer?

The factors that can affect the winding resistance of a transformer include the winding material, temperature, and the transformer's design.

What are the key objectives of the winding resistance test?

The key objectives of the winding resistance test are to identify winding issues, evaluate the condition of the transformer, and gather data for maintenance and troubleshooting purposes.

What safety precautions should be taken during the winding resistance test?

During the winding resistance test, it is important to follow safety precautions, such as isolating the transformer, discharging any stored energy, and using proper personal protective equipment (PPE).

How can the winding resistance test results be used for transformer maintenance and troubleshooting?

The winding resistance test results can be used for preventive maintenance, identifying potential issues, and diagnosing transformer faults, such as shorted turns, open circuits, and ground faults.

What is the acceptable tolerance range for transformer winding resistance?

The acceptable tolerance range for transformer winding resistance can vary depending on the transformer design and manufacturer specifications, but generally, a tolerance of ±1% to ±5% is considered acceptable.

How can the winding resistance test formula be used to calculate the winding resistance?

The winding resistance test formula involves calculating the resistance based on the measured voltage, current, and temperature correction factors to ensure accurate and meaningful results.

What are some best practices for conducting the winding resistance test of a transformer?

Best practices for the winding resistance test include following proper test setup procedures, collecting accurate data, and interpreting the results correctly to ensure reliable and consistent measurements.

What types of transformer resistance testing services are available?

Transformer owners and operators can utilize on-site testing services or laboratory testing facilities to perform the winding resistance test and other diagnostic tests on their transformers. 

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